Monday, 4 June 2018


Structure is an user define data type which is collection of different primitive data types.

Syntax :

struct tagname
       member 1;
       member 2;
       member 3;

  • tagname is nothing but new data type;
  • Until and unless we create a variable for structure there is no memory allocated for the member;
  • If we want to access the member of structure through structure variable we use dot(.) operator;
  • If we want to access the member of structure through structure pointer, we use arrow (->) operator;

Limitation of structure :-

  • It is not possible to initialize the member of structure.
  • Storage classes are not allowed for structure members but storage classes are allowed for variable of structure.
  • In a structure we can't declare the same structure type but we can create a same structure pointer. (Self referential structure)
  • Structure within structure is possible but the changed name (using typedef) structure is not possible in that structure.